Sigh...last days

Thursday, August 11, 2022 Okay, this is kind of a place holder!! I'll write about today; but right now I'm going to join Ammar for dinner before the taxi whisks me away at 1:30 a.m. Sure wish these flights left at a civilized hour!! So - Thursday: I've got a little shopping to do, so after breakfast we decide to walk to the Old City instead of taking a cab. We need the exercise and we always talk more easily walking than in a taxi. I know what I want and Ammar says he knows where to get it. And he's right; I should never argue! last latte! "Royal Benedict and arugula salad" The Lamplighter You don't usually get to see the artist touching up his work! The churchkhela It was a nice walk, but it will be a nicer cab ride back home. I need to pack and see what I can do about staying under the 22 kg (50 pound) weight limit. That will mean putting small, heavy things in my back pack and saying another prayer to the travel ...