Life on vacation

Wednesday, July 27, 2022 We're finally together enough to try the breakfast here at the hotel. It's only available between 8:30 and 9:30, a fairly narrow window! When I walk in there is no one else there! I hear a radio but see no other signs of life! The one chaffing dish contains scrambled eggs (barely warm) and a flat, breaded something that turns out to be sausage. There are meats and cheese and yogurt, several kinds of breads, and rolled eggplant that looks so intriguing! I help myself and, not finding a coffee dispenser, opt for breakfast tea, since I can figure that out! I have only taken a bite or two when Ammar joins me, doubling the population of the dining room! In the evenings this must be a piano bar and probably is a lot more lively! There are a couple of guys sitting on the other side of the tall sideboard with the tea things on it and the younger one deigns to nod in response to my "Hello". Guess I'm grateful fo...