You never know what's coming

Sunday, August 7, 2022 Oh boy! Without the sun in my face I can sleep all the way to 7:30 and there's nowhere we have to be right away! Ammar is up early, too, for a change, and after a while he goes to the cave while I do my yoga and morning stuff. Then I meet him and we have breakfast. Okay, this is actually from last night, out our window. One of the few times I've really missed my big camera!! My new addiction, but only when I travel and it's FREE! I can finish it all if they leave out the omelet! Ammar has, basically, a toasted cheese sandwich. Just another version of his normal bread and cheese. We are interrupted by a text message from Ammar's older son, Hussein, saying that Mohammad, his younger brother, is in the hospital in a diabetic coma. It's his second one. There's not much more frightening than your child in danger. Arrangements have to be made and I suggest that Ammar might need to go home. He says, "No". ...