It's Always an Adventure! (with photos)

Thursday, July 28, 2022 Another day filled with the unexpected! It started off calmly enough. There was plenty of time to pack and go collect our last free breakfast in the cave. A full Turkish this time and no one ever could finish one of these! Ammar has already made our return reservations for the end of the trip and all we have to do is go downstairs and have our lady call us a cab to the central bus station. We arrive with lots of time to spare and Ammar goes to find out if there is bus service from Batumi to Kutaisi. Turns out it goes to the Kutaisi airport and we'll need a cab from there. When we get settled we'll give the train website another shot. I could sure get used to someone bringing me a latte every morning! The omelet goes with the Turkish breakfast!! The katchapuri is Ammar's. We're on the bus with no difficulty, although the wifi doesn't allow everyone to be on at once, I finish what I need and let Ammar sign on as I am ...